ryangs: Enormous boulder on the 405
ryangs: Burned tree, muddy reservoir
ryangs: Edge of the Station Fire burn area
ryangs: Arriving at the mythical highway
ryangs: Road may be subject to signs
ryangs: OPEN
ryangs: The road to Mt. Wilson
ryangs: View from Mt. Wilson
ryangs: Where the tee-vee comes from
ryangs: When engineers name roads
ryangs: Another nerd road
ryangs: Getting snowy
ryangs: Time to get out the bike
ryangs: I saw no sheep
ryangs: Plenty of tunnel for a lone cyclist
ryangs: Okay, then
ryangs: Intersection with the top of SR-39
ryangs: A road with its own jingle
ryangs: SR-39
ryangs: Snakes, next 44 miles
ryangs: Previous adventure
ryangs: Oops
ryangs: Not really a ski resort