Ryan Grimm:
Three pitches up on Daff (West Crack)
Ryan Grimm:
Panorama from the top of Daff Dome
Ryan Grimm:
Northwest face of Pywiack Dome
Ryan Grimm:
300º view from top of Pywiack
Ryan Grimm:
Tenaya Lake from the top of Pywiack Dome
Ryan Grimm:
All smiles on the summit of Pywiack Dome
Ryan Grimm:
View of West Crack from the base
Ryan Grimm:
Finger crack on 3rd pitch of West Crack
Ryan Grimm:
Ben and I on top of Daff Dome
Ryan Grimm:
Boulder on top of Daff Dome
Ryan Grimm:
Yosemite Valley From Goodrich Pinnacle
Ryan Grimm:
Selaginella Belay
Ryan Grimm:
Bishop's Terrace
Ryan Grimm:
Below the Selaginella Belay
Ryan Grimm:
Two Pitches up Nutcracker
Ryan Grimm:
Two Pitches up Nutcracker
Ryan Grimm:
Linda enjoying the jugs of Sloth Wall (5.7)
Ryan Grimm:
Half Dome
Ryan Grimm:
Ben at a belay on Nut Cracker (5.8)
Ryan Grimm:
View from the base of Nut Cracker
Ryan Grimm:
Ben looking pretty relaxed on Goat For It (5.10a)
Ryan Grimm:
I'm leading Claude's Delight (5.7)
Ryan Grimm:
Just finished setting a nice nut on Claude's Delight (5.7)
Ryan Grimm:
Linda working the 5.8 hands (Pot Belly)
Ryan Grimm:
Working hard to stay on an unnamed 5.9 friction climb
Ryan Grimm:
I'm going to climb up that?
Ryan Grimm:
Water Logs
Ryan Grimm:
Ryan on top of South Crack
Ryan Grimm:
Ben on top of South Crack
Ryan Grimm:
4th Pitch of South Crack