ryanbytes: The new hobo corner
ryanbytes: Light up system map
ryanbytes: Wider view of the lit system map
ryanbytes: Internal destination sign
ryanbytes: Door closing indicator light
ryanbytes: There are more than a few cameras in the train
ryanbytes: Straight shot down the car
ryanbytes: Builders plate
ryanbytes: Next stop sign at the end of the car
ryanbytes: Number plate
ryanbytes: Door bypass switch. Or BY PASS.
ryanbytes: Emergency instructions
ryanbytes: Bar code number plate
ryanbytes: Different panel handles
ryanbytes: Only one married pair have these decals
ryanbytes: You can see that the top half of the car has a flatter finish than the 3200s. The window configuration is also different.
ryanbytes: Another view of the car and finish
ryanbytes: 5000 series waiting to head into the yard. This is another shot where you can see the flatter finish on the top half of the cars.
ryanbytes: Undercar equipment bays
ryanbytes: Some type of air reservoir
ryanbytes: Very crappy picture of the MU connection connector
ryanbytes: 5000 series trucks
ryanbytes: Front end underside
ryanbytes: Better side view of the front end underside
ryanbytes: Connection between married pairs
ryanbytes: More undermount equipment bays
ryanbytes: 5000 series at Forest Park