Ryan Van Veen Photography: Wap Lake on the Mabel-Three Valley Gap FSR near Three Valley Gap, BC
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Wap Lake on the Mabel-Three Valley Gap FSR near Three Valley Gap, BC
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Wap Creek Cabin on the Mabel-Three Valley Gap FSR near Three Valley Gap, BC
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Wap Creek Cabin on the Mabel-Three Valley Gap FSR near Three Valley Gap, BC
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Snow line coming down over Wap Creek on the Mabel-Three Valley Gap FSR near Three Valley Gap, BC
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Gregg getting up...
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Bevies for the night...lit by the light!!
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Leon, Mike and Gregg
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Hanging out in the cabin...
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Relaxing in the warmth of the cabin...
Ryan Van Veen Photography: A fuzzy Andre through the window...
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Electrical short on Gregg's "Light cup"
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Gregg's flashing lights cup broken!
Ryan Van Veen Photography: The Ghost of Mike
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Roman candles being lit everywhere...including about a foot infront of me!!
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Shooting Roman candles into the sky
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Playing with fire!!! Roman candle fireworks!
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Lit up table...
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Leon downing a beer in a drink-off against Gregg
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Gregg and Andre
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Bunch of posers!!
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Mike, Gregg (moving around) and Andre
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Andre and Gregg in the Cabin
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Please sir...may i have another...
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Sitting by the stove to stay nice and hot...