Ryan Van Veen Photography: Results of a good round of target practice
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Myself and Dmitry
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Drinking by the campfire
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Ryan eating a meat popsicle
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Wendy kicking our ass in bocce
Ryan Van Veen Photography: My failed attempt at bocce
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Sabina taking aim in bocce
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Our bocce ball tourney
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Gregg and Ryan with their kill
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Waiting and waiting...
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Chopping down a tree in the forest...(it was dead already)
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Starting to chop down the tree
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Nadine with a gun!
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Myself taking aim
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Sabina firing the gun.
Ryan Van Veen Photography: The group of us doing target practice
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Dmitry and myself
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Myself at the campfire
Ryan Van Veen Photography: "Put another log on the fire"
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Our little snuggle dogs
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Bocce ball tourney
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Playing bocce ball
Ryan Van Veen Photography: The boys playing Bocce
Ryan Van Veen Photography: My wood hauler!
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Myself and Sabina!