Ryan Van Veen Photography: Mount Beaven, BC, 2150 meters elevation
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Start of the trail
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Beaven Creek at the base of Mt Beaven
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Ducati sniffing the toad
Ryan Van Veen Photography: The endangered Western Mountain Toad?
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Scenery along the trail up the mountain
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Mount Beaven in the distance
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Silhouette of Mt. Beaven
Ryan Van Veen Photography: View of the spine of Beaven, the final assault!
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Puff balls in the alpine
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Puff balls in the alpine on the way to Beaven's peak
Ryan Van Veen Photography: The Pinnacles Range of the Monashees
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Ducati taking a break (and taking in some sun!) on the steep slope down
Ryan Van Veen Photography: This hill/ascent is also known as "Heart Attack Hill"
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Remnants of a nearby forest fire on the northern flanks of Mt. Beaven
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Phil heading down the spine
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Taking in the some last minute views before heading down
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Monashee Range of BC
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Ducati - The dog of mischief playing at the top
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Ducati taking a break from playing
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Looking over the parking lot way down in the valley bottom
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Looking towards the Monashee and Pinnacle Lakes routes
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Clouds just brushing over the top of us
Ryan Van Veen Photography: The small lake on the north side of Mt. Beaven
Ryan Van Veen Photography: The summit ridge
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Looking over the small lake in the basin of Mt. Beaven
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Wildflowers clinging onto some rocks near the summit of Mt. Beaven
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Phil on the top of Mt. Beaven
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Myself and Ducati on the top of Mt. Beaven
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Ducati playing around on the summit of Mt. Beaven