Ryan Van Veen Photography: Sago Creek Rec site near Beaverdell BC
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Sabina on the hiking path to Upper and Lower Collier Lakes
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Sago Creek rec site
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Kettle River at our campsite
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Dmitry and I after swimming!
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Me coming out of the water with a very worried dog watching on!
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Myself swimming back across the river
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Going back in after making it to the other side
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Posing for Nadine!
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Standing for a brief moment on the other side catching my breath!
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Chilling by the fire
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Dmitry and Nadine warming themselves
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Yup, turned older again on this trip...
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Sparklers for my birthday cake!
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Reaching the top
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Making my way to the top
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Group shot on the excavator
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Neil "man handling" me in this pic!
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Bender '08 group shot!
Ryan Van Veen Photography: I guess this was what the sign was trying to tell us!
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Neil and Wendy walking towards the construction site
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Mohr Creek rec site along the Christian Valley road
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Checking out a future camping spot
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Kettle River in the Christian Valley, BC
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Neil's piece of litter...it's ok...we picked it up...
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Kettle River in the Christian Valley, BC
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Neil shooting his way to last place!
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Dmitry stealing the show and winning it from behind!
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Strong lead for myself and then blew it in the end and ended up 2nd