Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Gregg on the Wall in the Silver Star Telus Park
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Gregg "riding" the S-rail in the Telus Park
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Ryan on the Wall in the Telus Park
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Picture stolen off of webcam from the Star for the sole reason of pissing Neil off while he's working and i'm not!
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Cory finishing the pyramid box
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Dustin, 50/50 on the pyramid box
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Sunny up top, cloudy below
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Riding the chair at the Star
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
The filthy McNairs!
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Dustin - Nose press on the gapper box
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Ryan - 40 ft fun box
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Ryan - Battleship box
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Dustin - Pyramid box
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Ryan - Riding the wood
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Dustin - Riding the wood at Silver Star Resort, Vernon, BC
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Ryan on the 40ft fun box
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Gregg with the heel press
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Gregg on the battleship box
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Ryan on the C-box
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Gregg on the C-box
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
The 4th Booter at the Star
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Dusty McFlippy
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Snowboard Girl
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Dustin doing a backflip
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Dusty's Backflip
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Justin doing a 180
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Attempting a 360
Ryan Van Veen Photography:
Ryan, Sabina & Justin