GlobalGoebel: Approaching the Faroe Islands
GlobalGoebel: Landing at Vagar Airport
GlobalGoebel: Mulafossur
GlobalGoebel: Just another photo of Mulafoss
GlobalGoebel: Mulafossur in the Fog
GlobalGoebel: What are you looking at?
GlobalGoebel: Rocks and Clouds
GlobalGoebel: Boat and Lighthouse in the Fog
GlobalGoebel: Little House and Big Rock
GlobalGoebel: House with a view of a big rock
GlobalGoebel: Koltur
GlobalGoebel: Hymn Singing
GlobalGoebel: Hymn Singing Near Gásadalur
GlobalGoebel: Village in the fog and on a cliff
GlobalGoebel: Wavy Window
GlobalGoebel: Landing
GlobalGoebel: Don't Look Back In Anger
GlobalGoebel: Incoming
GlobalGoebel: Wings Spread and a Mouth Full of Fish
GlobalGoebel: Some guy with a big camera slung across his shoulder
GlobalGoebel: Puffin Pair
GlobalGoebel: Talk to Me
GlobalGoebel: I believe I can fly
GlobalGoebel: Sorry I'm slow, but there's a lot to be photographed here
GlobalGoebel: The Streets of Mykines
GlobalGoebel: Tindholmur in a brief moment of sunshine
GlobalGoebel: Reality Fantasy
GlobalGoebel: Chasing Dreams
GlobalGoebel: Drangarnir