GlobalGoebel: Deep thoughts in the sauna
GlobalGoebel: Jason and Renee
GlobalGoebel: The amazing tempeh burger from Sprouts Cafe
GlobalGoebel: Quick escape to Lake Tahoe before the wedding madness begins
GlobalGoebel: The lake appears to be just a little low
GlobalGoebel: Lake Tahoe
GlobalGoebel: The birthday kids
GlobalGoebel: Thankfully, Mom's suitcase with her dress made it in time
GlobalGoebel: Coffee time!
GlobalGoebel: Ermagerd!... I'm getting married tomorrow!
GlobalGoebel: Pre-wedding trim from the Master
GlobalGoebel: Maggie isn't sure what's going on, but there sure are a lot of people in the house
GlobalGoebel: The Doc and The Dog
GlobalGoebel: Grandma and Grandpa watching from a distance
GlobalGoebel: Wedding decorating... just another skill to add to the books
GlobalGoebel: It's called tulle
GlobalGoebel: Round and round and round
GlobalGoebel: Not bad for a few first-time wedding decorators
GlobalGoebel: Random bigfoot sighting in Nevada
GlobalGoebel: Rehearsal
GlobalGoebel: The bride-to-be and the soon-to-be mother-in-law
GlobalGoebel: 1940's era Chevy Truck
GlobalGoebel: Mother and Daughter
GlobalGoebel: Cool Couple
GlobalGoebel: Reno Rock Stars
GlobalGoebel: Victoria pins on Mom's corsage
GlobalGoebel: The bride looks excited
GlobalGoebel: The father looks dorky
GlobalGoebel: The mother looks contemplative
GlobalGoebel: John is not forgotten