ryan.kane: Beholder
ryan.kane: Tastes like geek.
ryan.kane: Anti-magic... not anti-finger.
ryan.kane: Beholder eating Ryan
ryan.kane: Big ass dragon
ryan.kane: No LARPing.
ryan.kane: d8 and d4
ryan.kane: Tim and a d4.
ryan.kane: Big d20
ryan.kane: Many kilometers away, he has a clear shot
ryan.kane: The Grinder.
ryan.kane: Hoagies and Grinders
ryan.kane: The Grinder
ryan.kane: Ray, when someone asks if you're a god, you say "YES!"
ryan.kane: Heaven and Hell
ryan.kane: Nice costume
ryan.kane: Mean to adventurers, nice to little girls
ryan.kane: Starcraft 2. I can't wait.
ryan.kane: StarCraft 2
ryan.kane: The top sword was pretty well painted
ryan.kane: Lots of geeks around.
ryan.kane: Day 1 of Gencon. Geeks out en masse.
ryan.kane: Down the hall towards the bathroom and bedroom
ryan.kane: Living room in our suite
ryan.kane: Kitchen in our suite
ryan.kane: How they fill salt and pepper shakers in Indianapolis.
ryan.kane: Cooking breakfast in the hotel room. On an actual range. Sweet.
ryan.kane: Yes, it's a sink. In the suite.
ryan.kane: Bedroom in the suite (another TV and desk was behind me)