ryan.kane: Leonidis from 300 (in this case, it's 300 calories)
ryan.kane: Kentish Town, Kentish Town, yeah. Kentish Town, Kentish Town, nooooo.
ryan.kane: Umm... is that 5 dollars or pounds?
ryan.kane: Bush and Blair. Pawns.
ryan.kane: Amazing chess set/coffee table. Only $4700 at Harrods.
ryan.kane: No time for the ol' in-out love, I'm just here to read the meter.
ryan.kane: London Is so my kinda town!
ryan.kane: Mind the Gap
ryan.kane: The London Underground is NOT a political movement. I looked it up!
ryan.kane: At Paddington Station. On my way to Victoria to head out of London.
ryan.kane: Mind the Gap. Paddington Station.
ryan.kane: Wow... imagine that, movie advertising that doesn't cause a massive Homeland Security panic attack.
ryan.kane: Ahh... my two cars. My Rav4 and my Ferrari. Funny... my license plate looks different. And someone moved my steering wheel to the other side!
ryan.kane: Smart car. Coming to America in 2008 (allegedly... Edit: THEY'RE HERE!)
ryan.kane: Lamborghini Dealership
ryan.kane: My other car... Lotus Elise.
ryan.kane: Electric car. Good idea. Too bad Americans are too stupid to figure this one out.
ryan.kane: Two door version of my car... not available in the US (or I might have bought one).
ryan.kane: South Kensington