Malmqvist: 8 sugar
Malmqvist: 7 funk
Malmqvist: 6 none
Malmqvist: 5 soda drinker pro
Malmqvist: 4 prove my self
Malmqvist: 3 in my brain
Malmqvist: 2 skateboard holiday
Malmqvist: 1 no coca cola
Malmqvist: 13 good times
Malmqvist: 14 jump the fence walk the dog
Malmqvist: 16 things that do not exsist.
Malmqvist: 12 ear stroke
Malmqvist: 15 sugar party ants
Malmqvist: 20 favourite
Malmqvist: 21 wine over apartment
Malmqvist: 22 drag me to a party and i will go to the sea
Malmqvist: 25 no need for beer
Malmqvist: 24 best piece of dirt
Malmqvist: 26 land without borders
Malmqvist: 27 dictionary mornings
Malmqvist: 24 best piece of dirt
Malmqvist: 23 WAHIT
Malmqvist: 19 popcorn
Malmqvist: 1 whiteboard
Malmqvist: 9 plans