rxb: Off to california
rxb: I missed you so much, stucco.
rxb: Right this very second, Charlotte and Axel are getting married
rxb: 5am in Soho
rxb: DSCF3477
rxb: DSCF3483
rxb: Going to Santa Monica
rxb: Dare to be thin
rxb: Get married in style!
rxb: Santa Monica Pier
rxb: DSCF3544
rxb: DSCF3545
rxb: At the Novel Cafe in Santa Monica
rxb: DSCF3563
rxb: DSCF3568
rxb: "Hey brother, I'm out of gas..."
rxb: A real bean and cheese burrito
rxb: DSCF3634
rxb: Living in the future
rxb: Living in the future
rxb: DSCF3656
rxb: DSCF3663
rxb: DSCF3664
rxb: DSCF3679
rxb: DSCF3680
rxb: DSCF3681
rxb: DSCF3683
rxb: DSCF3687
rxb: DSCF3691
rxb: Third street tunnel