rxb: Taken at 12:01 January 1st, 2007
rxb: The hound
rxb: Amber and Balto
rxb: Katie and Steph
rxb: My favorite is blabarry slash.
rxb: Angie and Arnold
rxb: Amb, some dude, and Daniel
rxb: Impersonals sticker at Luke and Leroy's
rxb: Keep Buschwick Beauttiful
rxb: Morgan Av, 5am
rxb: Back to New York
rxb: Dorie at Enids
rxb: Stuff them under your pillow for SECRET EATING
rxb: Taco Rey receipt
rxb: Jack's hippo
rxb: A few minutes later, I met this person on the J train
rxb: Comfort Inn, Downtown Denver
rxb: Kitty is typically very tense.
rxb: Bella, Axel, Charlotte
rxb: Bored in Riverside
rxb: Photo-0276.jpg
rxb: Give us a rule... we'll break it!
rxb: Bella
rxb: Psychadelic Rock band from the 60s, in their 60s
rxb: Kellogs diner
rxb: Mister Rogers' indoor shoes
rxb: Me, 22 years old
rxb: Andres is setting the odds
rxb: I love you! JK! LOL!!1!.
rxb: The white part of this photo is actually 4 feet of snow