Rwth of Cornovii: Jessie at Stratford
Rwth of Cornovii: Study in dapple
Rwth of Cornovii: Collie Sky
Rwth of Cornovii: Spring blossoms
Rwth of Cornovii: Cassieopeia
Rwth of Cornovii: Winter sun is glowing
Rwth of Cornovii: Cassie in winter
Rwth of Cornovii: My dog Cassie
Rwth of Cornovii: One day all this will be yours
Rwth of Cornovii: Saplings and little trees
Rwth of Cornovii: I smell a squirrel
Rwth of Cornovii: Main path
Rwth of Cornovii: Rookery House, Erdington
Rwth of Cornovii: April2008057420
Rwth of Cornovii: January 2010 Bumble Hole ice
Rwth of Cornovii: January 2010 a bosky stroll
Rwth of Cornovii: There's a wave behind you!
Rwth of Cornovii: Safe from the sea
Rwth of Cornovii: Blue Anchor
Rwth of Cornovii: By the railway
Rwth of Cornovii: Over my shoulder
Rwth of Cornovii: Me and My shadow
Rwth of Cornovii: Jessie at Sprocketts Farm