antwerpenR: Happy World is up there...really!
antwerpenR: Praying couple @ Shwedagon
antwerpenR: Sweeping crew - the people of the day
antwerpenR: Cycling around here is tricky, not least because the signs are hard to read!
antwerpenR: Oh dear - our buffalo do not float so good!!
antwerpenR: Step 2/5 - Quietly spot a fish ...
antwerpenR: Monks - a row of faithful followers!
antwerpenR: Monks can have fun too!
antwerpenR: Another way to fish on the lake
antwerpenR: Relaxing, by the lake
antwerpenR: Happy cyclist - it puts a smile on your face
antwerpenR: Sunset over Mandalay - straight out of the camera!
antwerpenR: Monks on their way to breakfast
antwerpenR: Sunflower fields - I just love these
antwerpenR: Inside Maha Aungmye Bonzan
antwerpenR: Wider perspective on the Shwe Zi Gon
antwerpenR: Well worth the view this evening
antwerpenR: Bagan plain at sunset - looking away from the river
antwerpenR: One last view of Bagan plain at sunset....tomorrow Yangon
antwerpenR: You want some? is spicy!
antwerpenR: Mingalaba - Girls will be Girlz!
antwerpenR: Nice moustache!
antwerpenR: Boys will be boyz!
antwerpenR: Kids will be kidz.. today in Thiri Mingala Zei market, Yangon - Myanmar
antwerpenR: Wholesale @ Thiri Mingala Zei
antwerpenR: Caught...eating a snack!
antwerpenR: You lookin' at me?
antwerpenR: Look - my cauliflowers!
antwerpenR: We R the Boyz!
antwerpenR: Snacking again!