rwolfert: Honeysuckle Reflections-1
rwolfert: Barn Swallow 1
rwolfert: Windblown Song Sparrow
rwolfert: Savannah Sparrow
rwolfert: Swainson's Thrush or is it a Veery? Too close to call!
rwolfert: Northern (Baltimore) Oriole-ready for his bath
rwolfert: Yellow Warbler
rwolfert: Brown Thrasher
rwolfert: Cooper's Hawk-Saved with a little photo magic!
rwolfert: Barn Swallow 2
rwolfert: Killdeer nest
rwolfert: Killdeer…with a story! Start here.
rwolfert: Part of the broken wing routine
rwolfert: Broken wing routine II
rwolfert: Broken wing routine III
rwolfert: Broken wing routine IV
rwolfert: Wood Thrush-Ready to take the plunge
rwolfert: Ruby-throated Hummingbird (female)
rwolfert: Lone Hunter
rwolfert: Goldfinch seeding the garden
rwolfert: Goldfinch and Sweet Gum seeds
rwolfert: Song Sparrow…head-on!
rwolfert: Casual flyover
rwolfert: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius)
rwolfert: Horned Lark in Winter
rwolfert: Immature male Ruby-throated Hummingbird
rwolfert: Bald Eagle (Haliaetus leucocephalus)
rwolfert: Dark-eyed Junco…almost lost in the snow
rwolfert: Northern Flicker
rwolfert: Red-tailed Hawk