rwolfert: The moon and the California Point Lighthouse-Aruba
rwolfert: Trail to the Caribbean
rwolfert: Monarch Butterfly in Aruba
rwolfert: Surf draining off of an ancient coral ledge
rwolfert: Divi-divi trees
rwolfert: Cape Cod Sunset 1
rwolfert: Cape Cod Sunset 2
rwolfert: Waiting for the next tide
rwolfert: Low tide at sunset
rwolfert: St. Croix Sunset…and Venus too
rwolfert: St Croix Sunset 1
rwolfert: Golden light giving way to growing shadows-St. Croix
rwolfert: Brown Anole at Indigenous Park
rwolfert: Tropical Sky
rwolfert: St. Croix Anole
rwolfert: Summer Tanager
rwolfert: Trail to the Caribbean II
rwolfert: Short-billed Dowitcher…yes!
rwolfert: Crested Anole (Anolis cristatellus)
rwolfert: Returning to shore ahead of the storm
rwolfert: #4 The Payoff…but for whom?
rwolfert: #3 Losing it
rwolfert: #2 Going for it
rwolfert: #1 Finding the one who has it. Start here.
rwolfert: Spiney Orb Weaver (it's a small spider)
rwolfert: Differential Grasshopper
rwolfert: The Caribbean near California Point, Aruba
rwolfert: Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes)
rwolfert: Red-shouldered Hawk (Bueto lineatus)
rwolfert: Now THAT'S character!