rwolfert: Honeybee on Butterfly Bush
rwolfert: Halloween Pennant
rwolfert: Ebony Jewelwing
rwolfert: Monarch Butterfly in Aruba
rwolfert: Blue Dasher dragonfly (male)
rwolfert: Blue Dasher hovering
rwolfert: Blue Dasher ovapositing
rwolfert: Spiney Orb Weaver (it's a small spider)
rwolfert: Hummingbird Clearwing Moth with proboscis coiled
rwolfert: Hummingbird Clearwing Moth
rwolfert: Differential Grasshopper
rwolfert: Blue Dasher dragonfly-male (Pachydiplax longipennis)
rwolfert: Red-bordered Emerald (Nemoria lixaria) Hodges #7033
rwolfert: Moth Reflections
rwolfert: Umbrella Paper Wasp (Polistes dorsalis) walking on water due to surface tension.