rwolfert: Eyeing the next flower
rwolfert: Greater Scaup in calm waters
rwolfert: I know it's here somewhere
rwolfert: Late season Orange Sulphur butterfly
rwolfert: Red-tailed Hawk close-up
rwolfert: Tropical Sky
rwolfert: St. Croix Anole
rwolfert: Crested Anole (Anolis cristatellus)
rwolfert: Returning to shore ahead of the storm
rwolfert: Goldfinch seeding the garden
rwolfert: Goldfinch and Sweet Gum seeds
rwolfert: Cosmos flower
rwolfert: Cackling Goose sandwiched between two full-sized Canada Geese - #4 of 4 shots in the series
rwolfert: Front view comparison - #3 of 4 shots in the series
rwolfert: Cackling Goose and Canada Goose-side comparison - #2 of 4 shots in the series
rwolfert: Finally…good shots of a Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii) - #1 of 4 shots in the series
rwolfert: Very Rare (in New Jersey) Sage Thrasher (Oreoscoptes montanus)
rwolfert: Immature Yellow-crowned Night Heron
rwolfert: New Life Bird! Vesper Sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus)
rwolfert: Red-shouldered Hawk (Bueto lineatus)
rwolfert: Cooper’s Hawk surveying the backyard for lunch.
rwolfert: Barred Owl
rwolfert: American White Pelican
rwolfert: 2W5A1558
rwolfert: Anhinga
rwolfert: Queen Ann's Lace
rwolfert: Great-tailed Grackle
rwolfert: Heavily backlit Dragonfly…with lunch
rwolfert: Venezuelan Troupia Taking Flight
rwolfert: Green Iguana