rwolfert: Probably identified Heron: Green Heron x Striated Heron
rwolfert: Eurasian Wigeon near the NJ shore
rwolfert: #1 Finding the one who has it. Start here.
rwolfert: #2 Going for it
rwolfert: #3 Losing it
rwolfert: #4 The Payoff…but for whom?
rwolfert: Short-billed Dowitcher…yes!
rwolfert: Turkey Vulture closing in
rwolfert: Brown Pelican at Rest
rwolfert: Scarlet Tanagers
rwolfert: Summer Tanager
rwolfert: Watching out for the little ones
rwolfert: The little ones
rwolfert: Swainson's Thrush or is it a Veery? Too close to call!
rwolfert: Ruby-throated Hummingbird (female)
rwolfert: Casual flyover
rwolfert: Eyeing the next flower
rwolfert: Red-tailed Hawk close-up
rwolfert: Greater Scaup in calm waters
rwolfert: I know it's here somewhere
rwolfert: Handsome profile
rwolfert: Long-billed Curlew (Numenius americanus)
rwolfert: Searching for a snack
rwolfert: Winging it
rwolfert: Townsend's Solitaire 2
rwolfert: Black Ducks on the move
rwolfert: Townsend's Solitaire
rwolfert: Checking out the lay of the land
rwolfert: Keeping a watchful eye
rwolfert: Taking the plunge