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Craters of the Moon National Monument by Ron Wolf
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Ron Wolf
"Blue Dragon" Basalt
Ron Wolf
Young Lava Flow
Ron Wolf
Clark's Nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana)
Ron Wolf
Hoary Aster (Dieteria canescens)
Ron Wolf
Pahoehoe Lava
Ron Wolf
Least Chipmunk (Neotamias minimus)
Ron Wolf
Limber Pine with "Witch's Broom" Branching.
Ron Wolf
Limber Pine (Pinus flexilis)
Ron Wolf
Sulfur-flower Buckwheat (Eriogonum umbellatum)
Ron Wolf
Giant Blazing Star (Mentzelia laevicaulis)
Ron Wolf
Clark's Nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana)
Ron Wolf
Clark's Nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana)
Ron Wolf
Moonrise Over a Spatter Cone
Ron Wolf
Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor)
Ron Wolf
Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor)
Ron Wolf
Sage Thrasher (Oreoscoptes montanus)
Ron Wolf
Sage Thrasher (Oreoscoptes montanus)
Ron Wolf
Rafted Blocks of Crater Wall
Ron Wolf
Pahoehoe Lava
Ron Wolf
"Blue Dragon" Basalt
Ron Wolf
Pressure Ridge on a Lava Flow
Ron Wolf
Volcanic Crater
Ron Wolf
Pressure Ridge on a Lava Flow
Ron Wolf
Lava Tubes / Craters of the Moon NM
Ron Wolf
Lava Tube with a Collapsed Roof
Ron Wolf
Lava Tubes / Craters of the Moon
Ron Wolf
Lava Tubes
Ron Wolf
Entrance to a Lava Tube
Ron Wolf
Snake River Plain
Ron Wolf
Snake River Plain
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