Ron Wolf: Western Bristlecone Pine
Ron Wolf: Cutworm Wasp
Ron Wolf: Sierra Penstemon
Ron Wolf: Water Miners-lettuce
Ron Wolf: Western Bristlecone Pine
Ron Wolf: Mountain Bluebird
Ron Wolf: Montgomery Peak and Boundary Peak
Ron Wolf: Montgomery Peak and Boundary Peak
Ron Wolf: Reed Dolomite / White Mountains
Ron Wolf: Horned Lark
Ron Wolf: Petroglyph / White Mountain City Site
Ron Wolf: White Mountain Peak
Ron Wolf: Stemless Mock Goldenweed
Ron Wolf: Lustrous Copper
Ron Wolf: Outcrop of the Campito Formation
Ron Wolf: Common Branded Skipper
Ron Wolf: Coyote Mint
Ron Wolf: Sunrise in the White Mountains
Ron Wolf: Woodhouseite
Ron Wolf: Woodhouseite
Ron Wolf: Blanco Mountain
Ron Wolf: Fernbush
Ron Wolf: Intermountain Bristlecone Pine
Ron Wolf: Smelter Stack at White Mountain City
Ron Wolf: Curlleaf Rabbitbrush
Ron Wolf: Brown Tile Lichen
Ron Wolf: Bristlecone Pines
Ron Wolf: Montgomery Peak and Boundary Peak
Ron Wolf: Edith's Copper
Ron Wolf: Greenish Blue and Acmon Blue