Rafael Vila:
Red-Cheeked Cordon-Bleu - Female & Male - The Gambia - - [Explored]
Rafael Vila:
Northern Red Bishop (Euplectes franciscanus) Obispo Anaranjado - GAMBIA
Rafael Vila:
Impressive Bonelli's eagle. -- (Aquila fasciata) Águila Perdicera -- Una mirada de verdadera rapaz!____ [Explored]
Rafael Vila:
Autumn - Otoño - L'Automne
Rafael Vila:
Fishing Boats in Tanji Coast _The Gambia -[Explored]
Rafael Vila:
AFRICA -- Serengeti
Rafael Vila:
Traditional dancing -Kandy festival. Sri-Lanka
Rafael Vila:
Cats lurking - Gatos al acecho en la ventana
Rafael Vila:
Rafael Vila:
Karavanke Alpes between Austria and Slovenia- View from Bled Castle
Rafael Vila:
Purple Roller (Coracias naevius) Carraca coroniparda - The Gambia
Rafael Vila:
Grey-Backed Fiscal (Lanius excubitoroides ) Alcaudón Dorsigris
Rafael Vila:
Butterflies sunbathing- -Cymothoe hobarti male. -Kakamega rainforest (Kenya)
Rafael Vila:
Bled castle - Slovenia
Rafael Vila:
Traditional dancing -Kandy festival
Rafael Vila:
The end of a fishing day.. Tanji Shore - The Gambia
Rafael Vila:
Pasarela I
Rafael Vila:
Mekong River -Thai-Laos border
Rafael Vila:
Pilgrimage Church of the Assumption of Maria in Bled Island- Slovenia
Rafael Vila:
Weaver serie (2 of 5) The circular base structure is done. ---- Terminada la estructura base circular: un futuro prometedor
Rafael Vila:
Buitre leonado en vuelo
Rafael Vila:
Águila Perdicera (Aquila fasciata) Bonelli's eagle.
Rafael Vila:
Flower power
Rafael Vila:
Barra Libre chicos!!!!!!_ _ _ _ _ _ Yellow-collared lovebirds in Taranguire N. Park (Kenya).
Rafael Vila:
Acacia 2 of 3 - Orange
Rafael Vila:
Female & 2 youngsters of Pied Kingfisher (Ceryle rudis)- The Gambia
Rafael Vila:
Palais Royal - Paris
Rafael Vila:
Acacia- Masai-Mara. Kenya
Rafael Vila:
Garden Birds Serie- European Crested Tit (Lophophanes cristatus) Herrerillo Capuchino
Rafael Vila:
Winter in Paris. Happy 2016 !