robvanderwaal: looking in the mirror
robvanderwaal: Polder mill
robvanderwaal: Spring time!!
robvanderwaal: Take care, snail crossing [explored 13apr24]
robvanderwaal: still standing strong
robvanderwaal: spring reflection
robvanderwaal: eye contact
robvanderwaal: Kneu [Linnet]
robvanderwaal: colorful time of the year
robvanderwaal: on the hunt ....
robvanderwaal: Radio Kootwijk [explored 6may24]
robvanderwaal: lonely traveler
robvanderwaal: Botters in de haven van Elburg
robvanderwaal: Radio Kootwijk-2 [mono]
robvanderwaal: only a few weeks ago [explored 22may24]
robvanderwaal: Scheefbloemwitje [Southern small white]
robvanderwaal: Moselle river (Germany)