Rob Vaughn (Instagram @robbierambles): Looks perfectly safe to me.
Rob Vaughn (Instagram @robbierambles): The Mansfield Secret City Tour | The F.O.E. Building
Rob Vaughn (Instagram @robbierambles): The Mansfield Secret City Tour | The F.O.E. Building
Rob Vaughn (Instagram @robbierambles): The Mansfield Secret City Tour | The F.O.E. Building
Rob Vaughn (Instagram @robbierambles): The Mansfield Secret City Tour | The F.O.E. Building
Rob Vaughn (Instagram @robbierambles): The Mansfield Secret City Tour | The F.O.E. Building
Rob Vaughn (Instagram @robbierambles): The Mansfield Secret City Tour | The F.O.E. Building
Rob Vaughn (Instagram @robbierambles): The Mansfield Secret City Tour | The F.O.E. Building
Rob Vaughn (Instagram @robbierambles): The Mansfield Secret City Tour | The F.O.E. Building
Rob Vaughn (Instagram @robbierambles): The Mansfield Secret City Tour | The F.O.E. Building
Rob Vaughn (Instagram @robbierambles): The Mansfield Secret City Tour | The F.O.E. Building
Rob Vaughn (Instagram @robbierambles): The Mansfield Secret City Tour | The F.O.E. Building