Ruzich/Johnson: Within minutes of arrival, Zosia had busied herself in the dress-up bin and Vivi was searching for food
Ruzich/Johnson: Zo and Max, ready to hit the town
Ruzich/Johnson: Josie joins the sunglasses brigade
Ruzich/Johnson: Waiting for the C Train
Ruzich/Johnson: Snacking
Ruzich/Johnson: Ooh! Butterfly!
Ruzich/Johnson: We're going to get a picture of the two girls in the clamshell no matter what
Ruzich/Johnson: #3 in a Series
Ruzich/Johnson: Just hanging out
Ruzich/Johnson: The closest I could get to getting all three of them in the same picture
Ruzich/Johnson: Dancing with the subway jazz band
Ruzich/Johnson: Action shot!
Ruzich/Johnson: J(osie), M(ax), Z(osia)