*Rx*: intr-o dimineata...
*Rx*: Asteapta
*Rx*: Asa incepe dragostea
*Rx*: Viseaza
*Rx*: Silence
*Rx*: Misty morning
*Rx*: To be free...
*Rx*: Final border
*Rx*: Ultima playa
*Rx*: ..play...
*Rx*: Rise
*Rx*: A fisherman's tale
*Rx*: A gulls tale
*Rx*: Meet the sea...
*Rx*: Scent of freedom
*Rx*: When there is nothing but silence...**
*Rx*: When there is nothing but silence...*
*Rx*: On fire
*Rx*: Seagull
*Rx*: era aproape dimineata
*Rx*: Joaca de dimineata
*Rx*: Doi
*Rx*: Vama