(Ruud) Reddingius: On a foggy morning silence is in the air
(Ruud) Reddingius: Anatomy of a dragonfly wing
(Ruud) Reddingius: Convergent symmetry
(Ruud) Reddingius: Soporific lullabies of the reeds
(Ruud) Reddingius: "Fed up", satiated and digesting (bird seed)
(Ruud) Reddingius: Flight over desolation
(Ruud) Reddingius: Love is in the air
(Ruud) Reddingius: Catching some rays of the sun
(Ruud) Reddingius: Venturing through nowhere land
(Ruud) Reddingius: Chapel, Church of St. Martin, Willis, Switzerland (Schweiz)
(Ruud) Reddingius: Flight into the unknown
(Ruud) Reddingius: Human cargo
(Ruud) Reddingius: Summertime brings new life