(Ruud) Reddingius: The gaze that held my eye
(Ruud) Reddingius: Basking and ruminating in the afternoon sun
(Ruud) Reddingius: Posbank, Rheden, the Netherlands
(Ruud) Reddingius: Reaching out across the sky
(Ruud) Reddingius: A new day is born
(Ruud) Reddingius: Dawning mystic moods
(Ruud) Reddingius: Broad-bodied Chaser (Libellula depressa), Platbuik
(Ruud) Reddingius: Broad-bodied Chaser (Libellula depressa), Platbuik
(Ruud) Reddingius: Common Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhombi), Citroenvlinder
(Ruud) Reddingius: Blending in with autumn hues
(Ruud) Reddingius: Stormclouds over the Veluwe
(Ruud) Reddingius: Early morning light and all is quiet
(Ruud) Reddingius: Herikhuizerveld, Rheden, the Netherlands
(Ruud) Reddingius: Herikhuizerveld, Holland
(Ruud) Reddingius: Mom is about to serve breakfast and wants to make it a surprise. Junior has a huge appetite.
(Ruud) Reddingius: A peek at the great outdoors while awaiting breakfast
(Ruud) Reddingius: Exit autumn, winter is here
(Ruud) Reddingius: Winter settles in