(Ruud) Reddingius: riding piggyback
(Ruud) Reddingius: Out of the murky depths they came ... to play their kinky mating game
(Ruud) Reddingius: Time for a pit stop
(Ruud) Reddingius: I just love to chill on this rock. This rock is mine in case you were wondering.
(Ruud) Reddingius: Moorish gecko (Tarentola mauritanica), Salamanquesa Común, Muurgekko
(Ruud) Reddingius: Viperine snake (Matrix maura), Adderringslang
(Ruud) Reddingius: More than meets the eye (I was amazed by the matching colors of the snake and its surroundings)
(Ruud) Reddingius: Free ride piggyback to the breeding pond. Common toad (Bufo bufo). Gewone pad onderweg naar de voortplantgingsvijver.
(Ruud) Reddingius: Rare encounter. Don't tread on me. Adder (Vipera berus)
(Ruud) Reddingius: The eyes have it
(Ruud) Reddingius: Inquisitive?
(Ruud) Reddingius: Just curious
(Ruud) Reddingius: On the threshold of the abyss