Ruud.: Agaatvlinder - Angle Shades - Achateule [explored]
Ruud.: Looking for a place to land [explored]
Ruud.: Enjoying the evening sun [explored]
Ruud.: Icarusblauwtje - Common blue - Hauhechel-Bläuling - Argus bleu
Ruud.: Macro Monday theme: "Into the Woods" HMM
Ruud.: Bumble bee in flight!
Ruud.: Cross spider
Ruud.: Messy webmaster
Ruud.: Growing a beard
Ruud.: Painted lady or Cosmopolitan - Distelfalter - Distelvlinder
Ruud.: Hummingbird hawk-moth in flight
Ruud.: four-spotted chaser - viervlek (libellula quadrimaculata)