rutlo: Watching skies scrape
rutlo: Reflections of construction
rutlo: Moon on Hyatt-us
rutlo: The eastern half of Austin's downtown
rutlo: Refracted images of downtown on water
rutlo: Ann Richards would've loved to call this bridge her own
rutlo: Congressional approach
rutlo: New old, old new, and new new in Austin
rutlo: Hyde Park handsome
rutlo: Cranes going up under Interstate 35
rutlo: The new East Avenue
rutlo: The Silicon Hills
rutlo: A Long time ago this was Palmer Auditorium
rutlo: Interstate 35, Texas, Austin, Riverside
rutlo: Star Riverside, formerly a motel
rutlo: Tanning on Town Lake
rutlo: Is it pre-war or post?
rutlo: Gentrification has arrived in 78741
rutlo: Crosshairs on Austin's suburbanized tree canopy
rutlo: Oakenhome
rutlo: A sign that I need to leave Texas
rutlo: Impromptu dance party
rutlo: Possum Trot: The cutest street name in Austin
rutlo: Scenic Drive, Austin
rutlo: Panty Barn
rutlo: Freshly lain asphalt
rutlo: Conventional stairs
rutlo: Austin's skyline as seen 6 miles westward
rutlo: IKEA cumulus
rutlo: Both sides, now