rutlo: Fat Albert
rutlo: ... Romance ...Violence ...ANYTHING
rutlo: frisby fast food in colombia
rutlo: Oh boy, I live 3 blocks from the Oberto factory
rutlo: Nathan's Famous
rutlo: Beacon Hill as seen from I-90
rutlo: rainier avenue bus station
rutlo: Seattle as seen from oregon (avenue)
rutlo: Walking towards the voting booth
rutlo: LIC decay
rutlo: Hackney Central
rutlo: Homeless guy wearing a Mulan sweatshirt
rutlo: Casscadian Mini-Storage, Wenatchee WA
rutlo: Perty indeed
rutlo: Defunct arrival/departure lanes
rutlo: Columbian Way, Seattle
rutlo: Pepsi sign in Long Island City
rutlo: Stoke Newington High Street
rutlo: Do Not Enter
rutlo: Stuck in the bushes
rutlo: floating bridge from 32nd ave - dead end
rutlo: IMGP1741
rutlo: close-up of safeco field on the 12th ave bridge
rutlo: Obama/Biden in Puget Sound
rutlo: the only shot i'll ever bother taking of the most touristy place in seattle
rutlo: IMGP1020
rutlo: baby advert
rutlo: Mid 20th century retail splendor, Wenatchee Washington
rutlo: Could you be any more Singaporean in your absolutisms?
rutlo: seattle-oct18 (100)