Rutland County Audubon: Common Loons on Kent Pond - The loons here have been successful on this pond for several years now.
Rutland County Audubon: Black-capped Chickadee
Rutland County Audubon: Common Yellowthroat seen during a West Rutland Marsh monitoring walk and a life bird for the photographer
Rutland County Audubon: An Eastern Kingbird raises its wings
Rutland County Audubon: A Great Blue Heron is captured in flight at Lake Pauline in Ludlow.
Rutland County Audubon: Osprey at Half Moon State Park (with a crow overhead)
Rutland County Audubon: The photographer was unsure of the species, but because she had a photo, she could later ID it as a Rough-legged Hawk.
Rutland County Audubon: a lingering Snow Goose in Addison County
Rutland County Audubon: The coloration of a Ruffed Grouse, seen along Wildcat Road in Chittenden, matches that of the gravel.
Rutland County Audubon: Two Yellow Warblers, another life bird for the photographer - the red streaks on the male are particularly prominent.
Rutland County Audubon: a Cape May Warbler perches outside an apartment window in Rutland
Rutland County Audubon: Merlins can be 'city birds.' They can be very comfortable with people nearby such as this once photographed in a Rutland City neighborhood. They can also be very noisy!
Rutland County Audubon: A dramatic lightning strike from an approaching storm is captured from Rutland.
Rutland County Audubon: A Barred Owl in Charlotte was exciting for the photographer, but not for her dog, who was alarmed by its sound.
Rutland County Audubon: The photographer was intrigued by the sound of a bird. Not only was she able to find it and identify it, she also captured a great shot.
Rutland County Audubon: A Blue Jay sits alone in a vast expanse of greenery.
Rutland County Audubon: Common Yellowthroat is a striking bird and really doesn't deserved to be called 'common.'
Rutland County Audubon: This Chestnut-sided Warbler seemed to be a willing subject.
Rutland County Audubon: Val Biebuyck took this shot of Eastern Bluebirds because she liked how the color of the birds matched the reel on the clothesline.
Rutland County Audubon: It's hard to resist snapping a photo of a Mallard with young.
Rutland County Audubon: This Northern Hawk Owl in Waterbury, Vermont was a great subject for a lot of photographers this past winter.
Rutland County Audubon: A male Purple Finch contrasts nicely with the greenery.
Rutland County Audubon: Snowy Owls made use of all kinds of perches during their visit here in the winter of 2013-14.
Rutland County Audubon: The photographer spotted this nest while boating on Lake Champlain. It appeared to be empty until this Osprey raised its head. Ospreys have made a great comeback in Vermont!
Rutland County Audubon: RCAS members take nature photography seriously. You might think the photo of is of a Monarch butterfly, but if you look closely, there is a dragonfly on the Monarch. It was later identified as a Harlequin Darner.
Rutland County Audubon: This Lincoln's Sparrow picture was taken in Mexico where the photographer was amazed to find so many of 'our' boreal species in very different habitat..
Rutland County Audubon: A Bat Falcon in Mexico where it eats, guess what? Bats.
Rutland County Audubon: a Keel-billed Toucan, aptly named, in Mexico
Rutland County Audubon: A Crimson-collared Tanager in Mexico feeds on berries where several other species were feasting.
Rutland County Audubon: a Green Honeycreeper, another bird of Mexico and Central America