ruthug08(on and off):
butterfly on magnolia
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Painted Lady - Distelfalter
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Distelfalter-Painted Lady
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butterfly-painted lady-distelfalter
ruthug08(on and off):
best wishes for tom!
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ruthug08(on and off):
butterfly-painted lady-distelfalter
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butterfly on a thistle
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ruthug08(on and off):
meadow brown - maniola jurtina-Grosses Ochsenauge
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Visitors on a weed-White Admiral - Kleiner Eisvogel
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A moth - Brimstone - Zitronenfalter
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Peacock - Tagpfauenauge
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Butterfly-Comma-on a dahlia - C-Falter
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Butterfly - Schmetterling-Zipfelfalter
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Butterfly - Schmetterling - Landkärtchen
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Butterfly - Schmetterling - Ochsenauge
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Another Jersey Tiger Moth - in France - Russischer Bär
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Moth - Schmetterling - Gammaeule
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Butterfly-Schmetterling - Zipfelfalter
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Butterfly- Waldbrettspiel - Speckled Wood Butterfly
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Painted Lady - Distelfalter
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Comma Butterfly - C-Falter
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Peacock - Pfauenauge
ruthug08(on and off):
Painted Lady - Distelfalter
ruthug08(on and off):
Meadow Brown - Ochsenauge
ruthug08(on and off):
Meadow brown - Ochsenauge
ruthug08(on and off):
Jersey Tiger Moth - Russischer Bär
ruthug08(on and off):
Jersey Tiger Moth - Russischer Bär
ruthug08(on and off):
Argynnis paphia - Kaisermantel