ruthspics: missed the flight, so now what?
ruthspics: bored in the airport
ruthspics: scott & ian
ruthspics: birthday girl! (with a badge to prove it)
ruthspics: market fruit
ruthspics: swings!
ruthspics: 6 of the 7 dwarves
ruthspics: campin' in the jungle
ruthspics: breakfast
ruthspics: johnny and the cute kids
ruthspics: hiking!
ruthspics: resting!
ruthspics: eating bugs!
ruthspics: flippin' off the dock
ruthspics: boat rides on the amazon
ruthspics: turtles!
ruthspics: self-made swings
ruthspics: swinging (action shot)
ruthspics: fishing for pirahna
ruthspics: sunset cruise
ruthspics: more wildlife
ruthspics: kissing frogs
ruthspics: mindo
ruthspics: again, 6 of the 7 dwarves
ruthspics: beckham
ruthspics: rafting
ruthspics: hunting waterfalls
ruthspics: attack of the killer butterflies!
ruthspics: bird watching, _early_ in the morning
ruthspics: the _real_ equator