ruthsinger: library books.JPG
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ruthsinger: Huddersfield textile degree show catalogue.jpg
ruthsinger: Huddersfield textile degree show catalogue
ruthsinger: Huddersfield textile degree show catalogue
ruthsinger: Huddersfield textile degree show catalogue
ruthsinger: Green.jpg
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ruthsinger: weardowney knit couture - 1.jpg
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ruthsinger: My trapunto cushion.JPG
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ruthsinger: my pincushion imprint page .JPG
ruthsinger: Pretty Little Pincushions cover.JPG
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ruthsinger: More Dress Pattern Designing - 1.jpg
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ruthsinger: amy butler book - 2.jpg
ruthsinger: Pattern magic Japanese pattern book - 1
ruthsinger: books
ruthsinger: bookshelf
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