ruthietoots: Arranging roasted chestnuts at the top of the Spanish Steps
ruthietoots: St Peter's from near the Medici Villa
ruthietoots: St Peter's from Borghese Park
ruthietoots: Compelling exhibit on front steps... long wait for no one posing with the gorilla
ruthietoots: Piazza del Popolo
ruthietoots: The home of pasta al fredo just opposite the new Augustus Mausoleum
ruthietoots: Via dei Condotti, as full of people as the Corso
ruthietoots: Teatro Marcello
ruthietoots: Near Teatro Marcello; holding up antiquity
ruthietoots: Markers for Jews deported from Rome
ruthietoots: There are lots of restaurants in the Jewish district
ruthietoots: In a favorite park near Piazza Navonna
ruthietoots: The Ruggeri vitrine in Campo di Fiori
ruthietoots: Beautiful artichokes
ruthietoots: A stall in Campo de Fiori... many vendors appear to be Bangladeshi
ruthietoots: Elena Ferante in the background of La Befana activities in Piazza Navona
ruthietoots: Piazza Navona during la Befana festivities
ruthietoots: The Tiber and St Peter's
ruthietoots: Bibliobar in the book market near Castel Sant Angelo
ruthietoots: Book market near Castel Sant Angelo
ruthietoots: Ponte Sant Angelo
ruthietoots: Via dei Banchi Nuovi parallels Emanuel II and is much more pleasant to walk along
ruthietoots: The golden Christmas tree in Piazza Venezia
ruthietoots: Santa Maria Maggiore has a nativity scene in lights
ruthietoots: Waiting for Basilica di Sta Prassede to open... ultimately, I came back at the end of the day
ruthietoots: Towards the Piazza Venezia from a favorite hidden park on the Campidoglio
ruthietoots: About the work on the Capitoline Hill opposite the Teatro di Marcello
ruthietoots: Historical photos of work done at the foot of the Capitoline Hill
ruthietoots: Capitoline Hill from the Foro Olitorio
ruthietoots: Ponte Fabricio connects the Jewish district to Isola Tibertina