ruthietoots: A chilly wind was blowing the day we were at Longwood, but it didn't spoil our experience
ruthietoots: In 1950 the Dupont family, refugees from the French Revolution, celebrated 150 years in the U.S.
ruthietoots: The view from the conservatory entrance
ruthietoots: The conservatory is huge -- it even has lawns
ruthietoots: Mennonite visitors to the orchid room
ruthietoots: Oriental lilies perfumed this room
ruthietoots: Freesia and azalea border
ruthietoots: Finally I learn the name of this bush I've seen all over Europe
ruthietoots: Where we sat for the three o'clock carillon concert
ruthietoots: Next to the sunken fountain garden is a museum, in the former pump house, that details the garden's creation
ruthietoots: Begun in 1921, the fountain garden was renewed in 2014
ruthietoots: At the end of our six-hour visit, we returned to the first allee to see it in a different light
ruthietoots: Photos on the Winterthur terrace
ruthietoots: The docent noted that the 18thC hand-painted Chinese wallpaper was the most valuable thing in the room
ruthietoots: Winterthur inspired Jackie Kennedy's redesign of the White House
ruthietoots: A bouquet of ranunculus inside Winterthur
ruthietoots: Varieties of Amaryllidaceae were all over the garden
ruthietoots: At one time, this was Winterthur's formal entrance; now it's a conservatory
ruthietoots: March Bank so named for the month when its many spring bulbs bloom
ruthietoots: The reflecting pool was once Winterthur's swimming pool
ruthietoots: Fragrant yellow azaleas
ruthietoots: Ruth under the canopy of crabapple blossoms
ruthietoots: We almost forgot the exhibition hall which was beautifully done
ruthietoots: Further reading...
ruthietoots: The French garden at Hagley
ruthietoots: About the DuPont garden at Hagley
ruthietoots: As was the style in the 19th century, this garden featured ruins. Now it's ruins of ruins!
ruthietoots: Brandywine Creek, the waterway that powered the DuPont gunpowder factory
ruthietoots: The first border I saw as we entered the grounds of the American Horticultural Society
ruthietoots: It's a fairly small garden but with some picturesque spots