ruthietoots: Moments after arriving at Sugarloaf Mountain, I learn what mountain laurel looks like
ruthietoots: And here in bloom
ruthietoots: After 17 years underground, the cicadas have arrived
ruthietoots: Foxglove and boxwood... from a walk through Old Town Alexandria
ruthietoots: An Old Town Alexandria windowboxes. One of the prettiest I've seen.
ruthietoots: Valerie admires another beautiful windowbox on the same street
ruthietoots: To celebrate the 4th of July, I took a walk in Georgetown and was surprised I'd never seen this park before
ruthietoots: This herb garden was my favorite part
ruthietoots: I left Georgetown over the Dumbarton (Q Street) bridge from where you can see the Turkish residence with its lovely pergola
ruthietoots: And guess who is standing out front
ruthietoots: Happy to be in the shade on a hot but lovely walk through Huntley Meadows Park with Cindy & Bob
ruthietoots: A very large branch fell in my neighborhood, thankfully hurting no one, but partially crushing a resident's car
ruthietoots: I'd read about July being peak season for the lilypads in Kenilworth Gardens... Once there, it was love at first sight!
ruthietoots: We saw lots of bees and dragonflies -- and thankfully no mosquitoes
ruthietoots: We arrived with a few others just after 7:30 am
ruthietoots: Without scent but still attractive to bees
ruthietoots: Beautiful at every stage of its life
ruthietoots: Bridge after that in Monet's garden?
ruthietoots: Unretouched glory
ruthietoots: Among the first to the garden, we sat here until too many people disturbed the tranquility
ruthietoots: The flowers on the smaller lilypads were now open on our walk back
ruthietoots: Stunning welcome to Green Spring Gardens
ruthietoots: The garden is small but full of color and variety
ruthietoots: Diversity, including ponds
ruthietoots: And I'm always delighted to find lotus flowers
ruthietoots: This was probably my favorite property on the Alexandria Gardens Tour
ruthietoots: Can you imagine having Thomas Jefferson sitting in your courtyard?
ruthietoots: The gate to this backyard was open though it wasn't part of the tour
ruthietoots: A beautiful mix of flora
ruthietoots: Bonnie and Lili listen to Valerie talk about Glenstone