ruthietoots: The beginning of the goodbyes
ruthietoots: Another beautiful surprise from Irene & Uli
ruthietoots: Completely unperturbed by my presence
ruthietoots: The charming houses of Calle Francisco Pimentel
ruthietoots: Street art near the American Cemetery
ruthietoots: Seal at the gate of the American Cemetery in CDMX
ruthietoots: The U.S. cemetery is a well-tended garden
ruthietoots: I found the U.S. cemetery by chance
ruthietoots: Murals turn up in such unexpected places
ruthietoots: Fundacion Matias Romero in Colonia Santa Maria la Ribera; Romero was a 19th century ambassador to the US
ruthietoots: Street life
ruthietoots: The steps up Monte Olipmo
ruthietoots: Lovely Lomas
ruthietoots: A charming mural along Avenida Corregidores
ruthietoots: My plants lined up and ready to move to Irene's
ruthietoots: A mural along Avenida Masaryk I'd never noticed before
ruthietoots: I found this outdoor photo exhibit on my way to Zocalo
ruthietoots: I wonder if this is the same aqueduct still visible on Avenida Chapultepec
ruthietoots: Too bad I never got to travel Mexico by railroad
ruthietoots: The Popular Arts Museum
ruthietoots: The most distinctive feature of CDMX's Chinatown
ruthietoots: Each striking in its own way
ruthietoots: Commotion in front of Palacio de Bellas Artes
ruthietoots: Lucky catch! The Sanborn's wait staff taking a photo outside their restaurant in the Casa de los Azulejos
ruthietoots: The center of the city had been blocked off by police allowing calm appreciation of Mexico City's beautiful architecture
ruthietoots: Red awnings at La Opera
ruthietoots: I've always wondered why this shop was called La Palestina
ruthietoots: At the corner of 5 de Mayo and Isabel la Catolica
ruthietoots: Avenida 5 de Mayo leads to the Zocalo
ruthietoots: I made it! My goal was to walk to the Zocalo this morning.