ruthietoots: Officially in Zacatecas!
ruthietoots: Early arrival in Zacatecas for a Spanish language immersion, reading the poster in the hotel lobby
ruthietoots: Waiting to enter the mine that made Zacatecas wealthy, I found a mural showing El Eden's impact
ruthietoots: About the mine, El Eden
ruthietoots: Fun tourist shot of us! Carmen, Anthony, Natalie, me, Jessica, and Sharon
ruthietoots: A display showing the advances in mining from the time El Eden opened
ruthietoots: Our teacher, Carmen, in the teleferico
ruthietoots: Now overlooking Zacatecas from the other side, Cerro de la Bufa
ruthietoots: Love the sun and the moon
ruthietoots: Thank you, Carmen!
ruthietoots: Atop Cerro de la Bufa are statues of Pancho Villa and two generals from the Mexican revolution
ruthietoots: Dressing up in revolutionary costumes
ruthietoots: Carmen poses with San Francisco while we wait for our restaurant, Los Dorados, to open for lunch
ruthietoots: Los Dorados is full of history
ruthietoots: Our happy group after lunch
ruthietoots: The Founders' Fountain with evidence of immigrants beyond
ruthietoots: Lane of the Sad Indian
ruthietoots: Graduation is good business for flower sellers in Zacatecas
ruthietoots: We heard her calling for her grandpa all the way down the street
ruthietoots: Apparently the city has mandated signs be painted on the walls -- I love it!
ruthietoots: Same trade but so different from the metal shops in the Middle East
ruthietoots: Another church
ruthietoots: This government office has been doing public education for a while
ruthietoots: Tamales, a popular street breakfast
ruthietoots: I saw these guys the first day and then I couldn't remember where... happy to find them again!
ruthietoots: Today's big excursion is to a vineyard -- you guessed it: Tierra Adentro
ruthietoots: Casks (from Chile, Argentina, and France if I recall right) serve for four years
ruthietoots: Then they become art!
ruthietoots: In homage to wine's more rustic days
ruthietoots: Probably everyone's favorite