ruthietoots: First stop in Guatemala City tour is very trendy
ruthietoots: Next stop is the main square where a festival has buddy bears, each painted by different countries in the world
ruthietoots: Now Gerson taking my picture inside the National Palace
ruthietoots: President Jorge Ubico Castañeda traveled the world to find inspiration for his palace, this from Moorish Spain or North Africa
ruthietoots: Another lovely spot in the palace
ruthietoots: In the room soon to be used for a DHS document signing
ruthietoots: The bear from the US
ruthietoots: Random glimpse of downtown Guatemala City
ruthietoots: A binational center getting better all the time
ruthietoots: Raquel and Rodrigo smile while Dawn "whispers" something to the SEAL students
ruthietoots: They give us a tour, explaining their projects
ruthietoots: Creative writing tips
ruthietoots: Every program has an "organizational chart"
ruthietoots: At the end of our tour with Access alumni
ruthietoots: Very happy to meet Access Guatemala!
ruthietoots: 2nd year Access students telling their stories
ruthietoots: A visit with Access students in Guatemala City
ruthietoots: On the USAC campus
ruthietoots: After the meeting with the English faculty at the University of San Carlos (USAC) in Guatemala City
ruthietoots: Right next to the church that our SEAL tourism alumna Claudia is showing us, this part of Parque Nacional las Victorias is a cemetery
ruthietoots: A breath before the last of the 137 steps
ruthietoots: Rodrigo, Claudia, Dawn, Daniel, and Wess in front of El Calvario
ruthietoots: Just behind the Catholic candles a Mayan ceremony was getting underway
ruthietoots: Now off to see the stadium
ruthietoots: Rodrigo explaining something about the obsidian to Dawn while Claudia waits to continue the tour
ruthietoots: Claudia above Coban
ruthietoots: Fascinating all the things growing in this tree
ruthietoots: RELO Ruth, CAO Dawn, and AJEDE's Mandre with Access Coban
ruthietoots: SEAL students from Coban with Dawn, Ruth & Rodrigo
ruthietoots: Access Coban 2nd year students with RELO Ruth