ruthietoots: Winter Palace garden by night
ruthietoots: With Shahinaz and Maria at Mudira
ruthietoots: A little Winter Palace history
ruthietoots: Alumna Omnia explains an activity
ruthietoots: Ha-he-ho or something like that!
ruthietoots: Enthusiastic group of alumni from Qena
ruthietoots: We could do this
ruthietoots: Listening to plans
ruthietoots: Alumnae making plans
ruthietoots: Alumni discuss possible activities
ruthietoots: Amar talking to alumni
ruthietoots: Alumni whole group
ruthietoots: Great vocabulary game in AMIDEAST's Luxor class
ruthietoots: AMIDEAST Luxor doing the Book Walk
ruthietoots: AMIDEAST Luxor whole group 2
ruthietoots: E-ERA Luxor class doing Line Talk
ruthietoots: Ruth reading to the E-ERA Luxor class
ruthietoots: E-ERA's class in Luxor - whole group
ruthietoots: Columns at the entrance to Dendara Temple, built in Ptolemaic period
ruthietoots: The mammesie at Dendara
ruthietoots: No gods here because this wall would have been behind the door
ruthietoots: Dendara's first hypostyle hall has been cleaned
ruthietoots: I love the Hathor capitals painted blue
ruthietoots: The calendar ceiling in Dendara's first hypostyle hall
ruthietoots: Rovan arriving at Dendara
ruthietoots: AMIDEAST Qena drama
ruthietoots: AMIDEAST Qena playing Hot Seat
ruthietoots: AMIDEAST Qena whole group 1
ruthietoots: E-ERA Qena class making music
ruthietoots: E-ERA Qena class playing Hot Seat