ruthietoots: Arriving to Puerto Vallarta
ruthietoots: Pulpo enamorado, my favorite lunch
ruthietoots: Crocodiles on a golf course, really?
ruthietoots: Lots of peacocks, turtles, and fish live at Casa Velas
ruthietoots: Midway through our mini-vacation, we went to town to explore Puerto Vallarta, starting on the Malecon
ruthietoots: And indeed there is art all along the walkway
ruthietoots: Making a purchase of Huichol bead craft
ruthietoots: A Sergio Bustamante sculpture which we later saw in miniature at his gallery
ruthietoots: I was startled to see a Roman centurian on the Malecon
ruthietoots: Without trying we'd found the Good Friday procession
ruthietoots: Even spots and feathers!
ruthietoots: Mexico's ubiquitous place name art
ruthietoots: Canon advertising at work
ruthietoots: The Malecon, a walkway along the water, is lined with art
ruthietoots: Statues
ruthietoots: No lack of color in Mexico!
ruthietoots: Reactions from "the fun side of the wall" as another teeshirt said
ruthietoots: My favorite living statue
ruthietoots: Between vendors on the island in the Rio Cuale
ruthietoots: These hanging bridges distressed me when others chose to make them swing erratically
ruthietoots: A new specimen for me
ruthietoots: Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
ruthietoots: While searching for galleries, finding art in the streets
ruthietoots: A symbol of the city, the dome is modeled after Carlotta's crown
ruthietoots: Looking down over Puerto Vallarta's Malecon
ruthietoots: Alas, after this short wander through Puerto Vallarta's hilly neighborhoods, we decided it was time to hail a taxi home
ruthietoots: Beyond the foliage border, the lighthouse is invisible in the sun
ruthietoots: During their morning frolick... can you spot the ducks?