ruthietoots: RELO Mexico TESOL group on its way to see the MLK Center in Atlanta
ruthietoots: A kind passerby took the group photo
ruthietoots: We stopped quite a while to listen to a gospel choir that was performing in the MLK Park
ruthietoots: Then we went inside Dr. King's church, Ebenezer Baptist
ruthietoots: Looking at some of the activists the church has produced
ruthietoots: The Six Principles of Nonviolence
ruthietoots: Irene & Vivi at Martin and Coretta King's tombs
ruthietoots: Flowers and the old firehouse between MLK's grave and birthplace
ruthietoots: At the birthplace of Dr. Martin Luther King
ruthietoots: Unfortunately tours of the interior were all booked
ruthietoots: Taking in the scenery of the Old Fourth Ward as we walk back
ruthietoots: The new ten commandments?
ruthietoots: We pause in the Centennial Olympic Park for photos and for others to catch up
ruthietoots: We can see our boutique hotel, the Glenn, hidden behind the tree
ruthietoots: Alma receives a Coke from Dr. Pemberton in front of the Coke Museum
ruthietoots: Jessica shares a Coke with its inventor
ruthietoots: Fancy apartment buildings, the Fox Theater, and a map of Midtown where Alma checks on our location
ruthietoots: Built by the Shriners, the Fox Theater opened in 1929; the Egyptian Ballroom is designed after the Ramses II temple at Karnak
ruthietoots: Leo, Vivi, and Alma read about the Fox Theater's fascinating history
ruthietoots: When it started to rain seriously at the house where Margaret Mitchell wrote "Gone With the Wind," we ended our walk and called an Uber
ruthietoots: Our Monday evening dinner together (L to R) Ruth, Vivi, Leo, Alma, Jessica, Jorgem Jose Manuel, Claudia, Irene, and Michel (on Teacher Exchange Program)
ruthietoots: Irene was especially happy with the music at our dinner
ruthietoots: Near the convention center, the Olypmic Park, and CNN in Atlanta
ruthietoots: Arriving at the convention center for a bit of orientation
ruthietoots: Mexico participants front & center for the newcomers orientation
ruthietoots: We met up with May and Kinda, friends from my previous posts, for the Opening Plenary
ruthietoots: Showing off the TESOL 2019 convention bag
ruthietoots: Wednesday morning on our way to the plenary
ruthietoots: I went to Dawn's panel on mentoring where I got to see Aya and Samia from our program in Egypt as well as Vivian who helped train them
ruthietoots: Happy to see NileTESOL past president Omaima