ruthietoots: Take care my kitties, I'm off on another trip
ruthietoots: Driving along the south coast of Ikaria, I agree Seychelles Beach is beautiful -- but not so accessible
ruthietoots: Therma
ruthietoots: Before the evening crowd in Therma
ruthietoots: Ikaria is one of the Blue Zones where people live longest
ruthietoots: Therma bay from our pension
ruthietoots: Spent my first morning in Ikaria on this beach
ruthietoots: No one was there, even at the taverna
ruthietoots: Looking towards the steps where I would trip a day later, damaging my knees and camera
ruthietoots: Got Tara from the ferry and set off to explore Ikarian backroads
ruthietoots: My kind of landscape
ruthietoots: Best airport sign I've ever seen!
ruthietoots: Ikaria landscape that looks like it's in Tuscany
ruthietoots: The hippie and the dip, take one
ruthietoots: The hippie and the dip, take two
ruthietoots: Visited twice in three days, a great cafe in Fanari near the airport
ruthietoots: Up early for our big day at the winery and beach on the north side of the island
ruthietoots: Lots of the pension guests were outside for sunrise
ruthietoots: But first, morning exercises
ruthietoots: Kitty patrol watches as we collect our things to go
ruthietoots: We stop at the top of Ikaria to admire the view
ruthietoots: Others weren't so lucky
ruthietoots: Mesmerized
ruthietoots: Bee boxes everywhere!
ruthietoots: Here's why
ruthietoots: I haven't seen so much heather since Scotland!
ruthietoots: And now on with our journey
ruthietoots: At the end of the winding road we arrive at Afianes Winery
ruthietoots: We've come on a wine-making day
ruthietoots: Nevertheless, the owners took time to tell us about their wines, including their big prize winner