ruthietoots: After ten years, back in the garden of the Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa
ruthietoots: The saxaphone at this wedding helped me discover it is a much bigger park than I knew
ruthietoots: Another bride was down here, leading me to a new entrance
ruthietoots: We stayed at the Capital Hotel & Spa on a tram line built since my last visit
ruthietoots: Hanaa presenting at the Fellow Mid-Year
ruthietoots: Addis to the northwest of our conference room
ruthietoots: And to the northeast of our conference room
ruthietoots: Before the White Elephant exchange
ruthietoots: Hanaa, Robin, Kasey, and Jessica
ruthietoots: Now in Denise's direction
ruthietoots: At the entrance to the Red Terror Martyrs Museum
ruthietoots: Failure to respond to famine in the early 1970s led to the fall of Haile Sellassie and to the Derg takeover
ruthietoots: During his speech, Mengisto produced three bottles of what looked like blood and smashed them to the ground to show what the revolution would do to its enemies
ruthietoots: Our guide was a survivor
ruthietoots: Unspeakable
ruthietoots: So many senseless killings
ruthietoots: The Marxist junta Derg fell in 1991 and were tried by the new government
ruthietoots: Entering St. George's Cathedral which was built in 1906 by Menelik II to commemorate Ethiopia’s victory over the Italian invaders at the Battle of Adwa in 1896.
ruthietoots: Our guide and the priest taking turns telling us about church instruments
ruthietoots: He identified one end of the drum as the Old Testament and the other the New... a bit strange
ruthietoots: In the garden, the statue of a monk killed by the Italians and a bell from Russia
ruthietoots: About Lucy
ruthietoots: Earliest known fossils of Homo Sapiens
ruthietoots: Haile Sellassie gives up a palace to create a university
ruthietoots: Our guide explaining the coffee ceremony, a display in the Ethnography Museum on the Addis University grounds
ruthietoots: A yurt without the felt
ruthietoots: Coffee
ruthietoots: Haile Sellassie's bathroom
ruthietoots: Halie Sellassie's bedroom